Maya Livio and Natalia Sanzhez-Querubin. 2025. “Queer Ecological Data: Where Artificial Intelligence Meets the Avian.” New Media & Society.
Maya Livio and Laura Devendorf. 2022. “The Eco-Technical Interface: Attuning to the Instrumental.” Proceedings of CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22).
SzuYu Liu, Jen Liu, Kristin Dew, Patrycja Zdziarska, Maya Livio, and Shaowen Bardzell. 2019. “Exploring Noticing as Method in Design Research.” Workshop Proposal. Proceedings of the 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference: DIS ‘19. New York: ACM.
Maya Livio. 2023. “Salvaging Birds: Expanded Nonfiction about Brown Birds, Queer Ecologies, and Data.” In Deep Horizons: A Multisensory Archive of Ecological Affects and Prospects. eds. Brianne Cohen, Erin Espelie, and Bonnie Etherington. Amherst: Amherst College Press.
Maya Livio. 2022. “Lagomorph Lessons: Feminist Ethics for Environmental Sensing and Making Sense.” In Multispecies Storytelling. Eds. Ida Bencke and Jørgen Bruhn. Punctum Books.
Maya Livio and Lori Emerson. 2019. "Towards Feminist Labs: Provocations for Collective Knowledge-Making.” In Critical Makers Reader. Loes Boger and Letizia Chiappini eds. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
PleMaya Livio. 2023. “The Generative and the Generational.” Commissioned catalogue essay in: Michelle Ellsworth: Evidence of Labor, (with additional translation in Spanish). Troy, NY: The Experimental Media and Performing Center (EMPAC).
Maya Livio. 2023. “Mammal Meteorology.” Essay response to FIBER Festival: Weatherscapes Lab, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Ari Simon, Maya Livio, M Rasmussen, Jonathan Simcosky, Amanda Vincelli eds. 2020. Queering Death Workbook. Los Angeles: NAVEL.
Maya Livio, Jen Liu, Kristin Dew, SzuYu Liu, and Patrycja Zdziarska. 2019. Methods for Noticing Workbook. First implemented in 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference: DIS ‘19.
Maya Livio. “Run Diagnostics?: Rachel Stuckey Gives Our Relationship to Technology a Check-Up.” 2017. Commissioned catalogue essay in: Good Days and Bad Days on the Internet. Austin: Women & Their Work.
Please reach out if you need access to any of the above!